This city - art by Luro 

this city counts its nights
spent in rejoicing 
and turns back the clock,
to the glory days
old but brand new triumph 
the ancient yet modern way 
of crying without tears 
to get a dose of sleep 
you'd do anything to get it
even kill if you have to 

automobiles and their glaring headlights 
wet, black, shiny asphalt roads 
pavements buying solitude like groceries 
long for people who would care to stop by 

nobody receives 
hand-written letters anymore 
no stamps to paste on envelopes 
no more mail boxes
in every nook and corner of the street 
the art of waiting patiently is over 
connections with friends and strangers 
seems the same 
four- hour heart to heart conversations 
are reduced to winks and nods 
or hand gestures when you cross paths 

what a shame! 
we're too busy
so caught up 
that we can't see beyond two feet
we used to make time 
earlier, for everyone and everything 
now we don't. I don't  
I blame myself 
and you 
I blame us all 
who is faultless here? 
not a soul 
and now you know 
who we are 
what we do
what we love and hate
what we fear 
and what we're made of 

seven billion humans, all lost 
in a trance, perhaps.
they share no common ground 
nothing to make them feel 
like they're a part of something bigger 
something larger than life 
nothing to look forward to 
and nothing to fix their identity upon 

silly people 
selfish by nature 
consumed with greed 
no room for sharing 
we try to fix our lives 
by breaking someone else's 
our happiness matters the most to us
and we don't take a moment 
to care about what others feel

we're great in every way. 
so we think. 
thank you very much.
are we anything more than 
a bunch of hypocrites?
or anything less?

- Luro


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