Undissolved - Luro 

I tried to be someone else 
Someone I thought I could relate to
Someone smarter, prettier and what not 
I failed to be me 
Though I preached that 'be yourself' attitude 
I tried to be more than what I was 
I tried to do something that was beyond me
And I couldn't. 
I wanted to be more real than I ever could 
But I failed to be like the undissolved colours 
That settle at the bottom of a glass filled with water 
The colours that refuse to be something they're not 
Colours that refuse to change shades 
Yet I let the sediments get to me
I was busy giving pep talks to those who wanted it
despite knowing that I needed it the most
I was so many people I'd never met,
In stories I hadn't listened to 
And in them, I saw parts of me 
That I hated but never loved 
And then I saw my own self, someone I never wanted to meet
And for once, I didn't need a mirror 
I went to places that I hadn't been to, before,
Thinking that a new environment 
Would turn me into someone new
Someome I longed to be
I was desperate to change
Yet I kept coming back 
To myself 
I couldn't quite shed who I was 
I couldn't take off my mask 
But I kept wanting to be who I wasn't 
Which 'me' am I?
The person I once was
Or the person I've become 
Or the person I will be? 
Is this really me?
The one I don't want to see or meet 
Or associate myself with 
Somehow I can't strip myself off myself 
How real or fake am I? 
I always ask myself 
But my question doesn't have an answer 
How much have I changed? 
I wish I had an answer 
Was I trying to please the temporary world? 
Or was i trying to please myself 
by creating an image of a better me in my head? 
But, is there a better me? 
Does it exist?
Or did I kill it even before it was born? 
Or, was it always in me but I just didn't realize? 
I never wanted to stop being myself 
Even though I got called out for it 
But there were times when I was someone else
And the world wanted me to be that way
Because nothing original is appreciated 
The world judges what it sees, most of the time 
And it will continue to judge 
But I will still learn to be a little more 'me'
giving more of 'me',
doing more of 'me' 
Learning more about 'me', each day. 
So there! 



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